CAST + COMBED jewelry is created in the light and space of Los Angeles.
Pieces are hand cast in artist created silicone molds and then sanded to clarity by hand.
A California sourced plant-based resin (most often used in coating surfboards) is embedded with pieces of hand poured acrylic paint making each piece individual.
cast |kast|
- to cast resin verb (past and past participle cast) [with obj.]
- 1 emit, give off, send out, radiate
- 2 form, create, produce, project, throw.
- 3 mold, fashion, form, shape, model; sculpt, sculpture, forge.
combed |kømd|
- combed verb ( past and past participle combed ) [ with obj. ]
- 1 search, scour, explore, seep, hunt through, forage, go over